Thursday, 21 April 2016

4th sem Operating system assignment

Government Engineering College, Patan
Department Of computer science and engineering
Assignment Operating system 2140702

  1. What is Operating System? Give functions of Operating System.
  2. Define: Race Condition, Mutual Exclusion, Throughput.
  3. Explain “5 State” Process State Transition Diagram with illustration.
  4. Explain Goals of I/O Software.
  5. Give the functions of following UNIX commands: grep, cat, chmod.
  6. Explain Files and Directory Management in UNIX Operating System.
  7. What is Process Control Block? Explain various entries of it.
  8. What is Semaphore? Give the implementation of Readers-Writers Problem using Semaphore.
  9. What is Deadlock? List the conditions that lead to deadlock. How Deadlock can be prevented?
  10. Explain the use of Banker’s Algorithm for multiple resources for Deadlock avoidance with    illustration.
  11. What is monitor? Give the implementation of Bounded Buffer Producer-Consumer Problem using monitor.
  12. Explain Virtual Memory Management with Paging in detail. Explain how Virtual Address is translated into Physical Address. Also compare Paging with Segmentation.
  13. Explain the following in brief.
    1. (i)Contiguous and Linked List Allocation for implementing File System.
    2. (ii) Distributed Operating Systems.
  14. 14. For the Page Reference String:7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0. 1. 7, 0, 1 Calculate the Page   Faults applying (i) Optimal (ii) LRU and (iii) FIFO Page Replacement Algorithms for a Memory with three frames.
  15. Explain the following in brief.
(i)                 Multiprogramming with Fixes Partitions and Multiprogramming with Variable partitions.
(ii)               File attributes and File operations
  1. Write a note on Generic Security Attacks.
  2. Differentiate Multi-Programming, Multi-tasking ,Multiprocessing & Distributed Operating  System.
  3. Explain following in Brief:
    1. Kernel
    2. System Call
    3.  Inode
  4. Explain Following commands in UNIX/LINUX OS.
(i)                 chmod
(ii)               head & tail
(iii)             cut
  1. Explain following in brief:
(i)                 I  Device Driver
(ii)               II Interrupt Service Routine
(iii)             III Thread
  1. Explain Virtual Memory Management with Paging in Detail
  2. What is Dead lock ? When it occurs? How to recover from it.
  3. Explain Banker’s Algorithm for Multiple Resources.
  4. Explain various Page Replacement Algorithms with example.
  5. Explain Swapping in Detail
  6. Give the function of “Shell” in Unix Operating System.
  7. What is Semaphore? Give the implementation of Bounded Buffer Producer Consumer Problem   using Semaphore.
  8. What do you mean by Deadlock Avoidance? Explain the use of Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance with illustration.
  9. Explain the concept of Segmentation for Memory Management. Explain why combined Paged Segmentation is used with illustration.
  10. Explain Round Robin, Shortest Job First and Priority Scheduling Algorithms with illustration.
  11. Write shortnote on File Types and File Access(sequential access and random access.
  12. Explain various Disk Arm Scheduling Algorithms with illustration.
  13. What is priority inversion problem in interprocess communication? How to solve it with semaphore?
  14. What is scheduler? Explain queuing diagram representation of process scheduler with figure.
  15. What is thread? Explain thread structure.
  16. Given memory partition of 100K, 500K, 200K, 300K, and 600K in order, How would each of the   First-fit, Best-fit and Worst-fita lgorithms place the processes of 212K, 417K, 112K and 426K in order? Which algorithm makes the most efficient use of memory?
  17. Show the diagram of memory status in each cases.
(i)                 1.Suppose that a disk drive has 5000 cylinders, numbered 0 to 4999. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143, and the previous request was at cylinder 125. The queue of pending requests, in FIFO order, is 86, 1470, 913, 1774, 948, 1509, 1022, 1750, 130 Starting from the current head position, what is the total distance (in cylinders) that the disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests,for each of the following disk scheduling  FCFS  ,SCAN.

  1. Explain the Trojan Horse and Trap doors program threats
  2. Explain the Access metrics mechanism
  3. Explain IPC Problem –Dining Philosopher Problem, Readers & Writers Problem.
  4. What is system call? What is interrupt? How it is handled by OS?
  5. What is critical section? What is Mutual exclusion? Explain Peterson’s solution for mutual exclusion problem.
  6. What is inode? What is boot block? What is Superblock? How they are used to handle file management system in OS? Which methods are used to improve performance of file management system in OS?

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