Friday, 22 April 2016

4th Sem OOPC Assignment -2016

Government Engineering College, Patan
B.E 4th SEM CSE Department



  1. Explain basic concepts of Object-Oriented Programming.
  2. Differentiate procedural programming with object oriented programming.
  3. Write the basic structure of a C++ program with all necessary blocks.
  4. Explain >> and << operators.
  5. Describe various operators in C++.
  6. List ios functions with equivalent manipulators in C++. Explain any one manipulator with example.
  7. What do you mean by Dynamic initialization of a variable? Give an Example.
  8. What is a reference variable? What is its major use?
  9. Explain call by reference and return by reference with suitable example.
  10. What is inline function? Where and how it is useful in C++? Give an example.
  11. Explain function overloading with suitable example.
  12. Explain three Visibility Labels with example.
  13. Explain Static Data Member  and  Static Member Function with their special characteristics. Also write a  suitable programming example.
  14. Explain friend function with suitable example.
  15. What is a Constructor? Explain different types of constructors with examples.
  16. Explain the use of Destructor in C++. Discuss its features.
  17. What is Operator overloading? Describe the syntax & Explain Unary operator overloading with example.
  18. What is an Operator function?   Describe the syntax & Explain Binary operator overloading with example.                                       Write a program to overload binary + operator as a member function.
  19. Write a C++ program that overloads + operator to add two complex numbers.
  20. Explain Type conversion from class type to basic type and one class type to another class type with suitable example.
  21. Explain various forms of inheritance with suitable diagrams.
  22. Explain pointer to objects. What is this pointer? Write a program to illustrate the use of this pointer.
  23. What is Polymorphism? How can we implement it in C++?
  24. What is Virtual function? Why do we need virtual function?
  25. What is a stream? Describe various stream classes for console I/O operations.
  26. What is the purpose of using template in C++? Explain template function and template class with example.
  27. Explain catch all exception and multiple catch exception with example.
  28. Explain try, catch and throw. Give one simple example.
  29. Explain STL with its core components.
  30. What is Exception? Explain Exception Handling Mechanism. Give example with multiple catch blocks.