Thursday, 26 February 2015

Software Engineering-Practical List

Computer Science & Engineering
BE Semester VIth-2014-2015
Subject :SE                                                     Subject Code:- 160701          
      1.Requrement analysis of any management system.
2.Use smart Draw (or similar) CASE tool . prepare a note of it and use it for the above system(URL:
3.Use IBMS/DFD (or similar) CASE tool . prepare a note of it and use it for the above system(URL:
4.Draw E-R diagram,DFD and create data dictionary for above system.
5.Draw Sequence diagram and Activity diagram from above system.
6.Use MS-project for scheduling the above system.
7.Prepare a note on a load testing tool .Test any system on it and obtain output and report.
8.Develope above management system.

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