Thursday, 26 February 2015

Software Engineering-Assignment

SUBJECT: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                                                                                 SUBJECT CODE:160701


1.How do we define softwere engineering?
2.What are the five generice process framework activities? do process model differ from one another?
4.What characterizes an “agile process”?
5.What framework activities are used during PSP?
6.why does the waterfall model sometimes fail?
7.what are the drawback of RED model?
8.what are the basic guide lines for conducting collaborative requirement gathering meeting?
9.what information is produced consequences of requirement gathering? does a data object manifest itself within the context of an application? do I handle a situation in which one data object is related to many occurances of another data object? do I selsect potential events for a control flow diagram,state diagram or CSPEC? do I model the software reaction to some external events?
14.what are the characteristics of good design?
15.what type of classes does a designer create?
16.what types of design patterns are available for a software engineer?
17.what principles are applicable to data design? do system inter operate with one another? do we determine in the format aesthetics of contain displayed as a part of a UI?
20.What do LOC and FP based estimation have in common?
21.What types of risks we likely to encounter as software is built ?
22.How do we assess the consequences of a risk?
23.What is Software Quality Control?
24.How do we define software quality?
25.What is the role of an SQA group?
26.How can we manage code evalution ?
27.What is the overall strategy for software testing?
28. What errors are commonly found during unit testing?
29.What is the difference between black box and white box testing?
30.Explain cyclomatic complexity with an example of  function?
31.What is code inspection and code walk through?
32.How boundary value analysis is done?
33.List and briefly explain types of testing.
34.What factors should be considered when the structure of software is chosen?
35.What is jelled team?

36.How do we define key project characteristics?  

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