Thursday 26 February 2015

Midsem Syllabus-Software Engineering


SUBJECT: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                                                                                 SUBJECT CODE:160701

Introduction to Software Engineering:
Study of Different Models, Software Characteristics, Components,
Applications, Layered Technologies, Processes, Methods And Tools,
Generic View Of Software Engineering, Process Models- Waterfall model,
Incremental, Evolutionary process models- Prototype, Spiral And
Concurrent Development Model.
Structured System Design:
Design Concepts, Design Model, Software Architecture, Data Design,
Architectural Styles and Patterns, Architectural Design, Alternative
architectural designs, Modeling Component level design and its modeling,
Procedural Design, Object Oriented Design.
Concepts, Psychology of testing, Levels of testing, Testing Process- test
plan, test case design, Execution, Black-Box testing – Boundary value
analysis – Pairwise testing- state based testing, White-Box testing –
criteria and test case generation and tool support, Metrics – Coverage
analysis- reliability.

Software Engineering-Assignment

SUBJECT: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                                                                                 SUBJECT CODE:160701


1.How do we define softwere engineering?
2.What are the five generice process framework activities? do process model differ from one another?
4.What characterizes an “agile process”?
5.What framework activities are used during PSP?
6.why does the waterfall model sometimes fail?
7.what are the drawback of RED model?
8.what are the basic guide lines for conducting collaborative requirement gathering meeting?
9.what information is produced consequences of requirement gathering? does a data object manifest itself within the context of an application? do I handle a situation in which one data object is related to many occurances of another data object? do I selsect potential events for a control flow diagram,state diagram or CSPEC? do I model the software reaction to some external events?
14.what are the characteristics of good design?
15.what type of classes does a designer create?
16.what types of design patterns are available for a software engineer?
17.what principles are applicable to data design? do system inter operate with one another? do we determine in the format aesthetics of contain displayed as a part of a UI?
20.What do LOC and FP based estimation have in common?
21.What types of risks we likely to encounter as software is built ?
22.How do we assess the consequences of a risk?
23.What is Software Quality Control?
24.How do we define software quality?
25.What is the role of an SQA group?
26.How can we manage code evalution ?
27.What is the overall strategy for software testing?
28. What errors are commonly found during unit testing?
29.What is the difference between black box and white box testing?
30.Explain cyclomatic complexity with an example of  function?
31.What is code inspection and code walk through?
32.How boundary value analysis is done?
33.List and briefly explain types of testing.
34.What factors should be considered when the structure of software is chosen?
35.What is jelled team?

36.How do we define key project characteristics?  

Software Engineering-Practical List

Computer Science & Engineering
BE Semester VIth-2014-2015
Subject :SE                                                     Subject Code:- 160701          
      1.Requrement analysis of any management system.
2.Use smart Draw (or similar) CASE tool . prepare a note of it and use it for the above system(URL:
3.Use IBMS/DFD (or similar) CASE tool . prepare a note of it and use it for the above system(URL:
4.Draw E-R diagram,DFD and create data dictionary for above system.
5.Draw Sequence diagram and Activity diagram from above system.
6.Use MS-project for scheduling the above system.
7.Prepare a note on a load testing tool .Test any system on it and obtain output and report.
8.Develope above management system.

Distributed System-Assignment

                                     GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE PATAN
                                                  Computer Engineering Department
BE Sem VIII Distributed Systems (180701)
Unit I
1 Differentiate monolithic kernel model and micro kernel model
2 Explain virtual uniprocessor.
3 Compare processor pool model and workstation server model
4 Discuss briefly the various issues related to distributed system design.
5 How does a distributed operating system differ from a network operating
system? Explain group communication mechanism.
6 What is a distributed system? How a distributed system projects a single system image?
7 What is the main difference between stateless and stateful servers? Which servers are
used in distributed applications?
8 Why network system protocols are unsuitable for Distributed Systems? Explain any one
communication protocol for Distributed System.(Winter 2014)
9 What is the major difference between stateless server and stateful server? Which server is
easy to implement?(Winter 2014)
10 What is a distributed System? What are the advantages of it?

Unit II
1 How does VMTP protocol handle lost messages, flow control,
group communication and maintain transparency.(Summer 2012)
2 Why traditional network protocols are not suitable for distributed
systems? Explain VMTP protocol used for distributed system
3 Differentiate LAN and WAN. Also compare Bridge, Router and gateway.

Unit III
1 What are the desirable features of good Message Passing system? Explain each
2 What is non idempotent routine? How such routine creates problem with message
passing? Also explain its solution with example.
3 What is failure in IPC? How can we handle them?
4 List various issues in message passing system. Explain any one.
5 State the relative merits and demerits of the various process addressing mechanisms.
6 What is non idempotent routine? How such routine creates problem
with message passing? Also explain its solution with example.
7 Broadcast and converge cast on spanning tree.

Unit IV
1 Compare RPC and RMI with respect to implementation.
2 What is the significance of client-server binding? How are various issues handled in
changing client-server binding?
3 What is RMI? What are the main features of Java RMI? Discuss the various
components and the process of RMI execution.
4 Explain RPC Call Semantics.
5 Explain RPC Communication Protocols.
6 Explain various techniques for RPC Optimization.
7 Explain complicated and special RPCs.
8 Draw and explain RPC architecture.
9 Distinguish different RPC communication protocols. Suggest one example where each
protocol is used.
10 Explain group communication mechanism.(Summer 2012)
11 Explain RPC implementation. Also explain various methods of generating stubs.

Distributed System Practical List

Government Engineering College,patan
Computer Engineering Department


Sub: Distributed Systems (180701)                                       Sem :- VIII CE


                                                      Practical Title
Write a program to convert given digit into appropriate word using rpcgen command.
Write a program to find average of given numbers using rpcgen command.
Write a program to print “hello”  string using thread.
Write a program to find length of given string using thread.
Write a program to solve Producer-Consumer Problem using thread.
Implementation of Date & Time Server using Java RMI.
Implementation of Server that adds given two values by the clients using Java RMI.
Write a program to implement Calculator using Socket in java.
Write a program to implement echo server using Socket in java.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Assignment WAD

Government Engineering College, Patan
Sem: - 6                                   Subject: - WAD                  Sub Code:-160705

1.      Write down HTML/CSS code to create table with 2rows and 3 columns. Even no. of rows display in green color and odd no. of rows display in yellow color.
Position Name City
Position Name City
Position Name City

I.                    Hawthorn Shield
II.                 Green Shield

B. Netherland
2.      Explain following terms: URI, Web browser, HTTP.
3.      Write the HTML snippet to show each letter of a word with new color, giving a rainbow effect
4.      Write the points those should be considered while planning a web site.
5.      How can you do following with cascading style sheet? a. Text Decoration b. Text Indentation.
6.      Explain the following with example (i) Unordered lists
(ii) Ordered lists (iii) Nested lists (iv) Definition lists.
7.      What is Metadata? Where it is included in HTML and XHTML? Explain with example how Metadata is included in a document? Also show how can following be achieved with the help of Metadata?
(i) Stop the page from being listed.
(ii) Set an expiration date
(iii) Stop the browser from caching a page.
(iv) Give a context for date so that it can take format MM-DD-YYYY and DD-MM-YYYY
8.      Explain the concept of irregularly shaped tables. Write the HTML snippet to get the following output and properly defined headers.

Exam Time Table
Green Park
Oxford Circus
9.      How can a style sheet be linked to a web page or how a cascaded style sheet be embedded within a document? With the help of cascaded style sheet change background color. What changes are to be done to set an image as a background? Manipulate a background image so it can be repeated over an area.
10.  What is the role of Mail User Agent(MUA) and mail transfer agent(MTA)?
11.  What are the problems with FTP(file transfer protocol)?
12.  What is the meaning of the following  a. <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow”/> b. <meta http-equiv=”pragma”, content=”no-cache”/>
13.  Choose subject of book he wants to buy, Dropdown to choose favorite author, comments for the last book he read. What is the use of <fieldset>?
14.  Show the use of inline frame in XHTML document.
15.  Differentiate between HTML and XHTML.
16.  Define CSS. Enlist and explain methods of using CSS in web page. Specify the CSS to provide; link: after visited blue color and before visited red color, table with odd rows white and even rows blue color.
17.  Explain the architecture of the browser.
18.  Write the following styles in separate CSS file and also show how to link this CSS file in HTML file and show use of styles.(i) The headings should have normal font style and font’s size should be 120%(ii) Define a class arial for paragraph which defines font family arial and font style bold.(iii) Apply a background color yellow and apply a background image “browntile.jpg”
19.  What is the difference between class and id? How can a style rule be defined with an id redheading that gives red color to heading h1 with text of heading right aligned? What would be the output ofthe following code in relation to style defined in this problem.<h2 id=”redheading”> This is red heading</h2>   <p id=”redheading”> This is red heading</p><h1 id=”redheading”> This is red heading</h1>
20.  Explain the following HTML tags  a. <dl> </dl> b. <input type=”file”/>
21.  Explain CSS with all types. Explain BOX MODEL
22.  What are differences between client side and server side scripting language? Write down java script code to check mobile number ( mobilenumber should start with 9 or 8) and mail id(check @ and .).What’s the correct syntax for referring to an external script called “abs.js”?1) <script href=”abc.js”>2) <script src=”abc.js”>3) <script target=”abc.js”>
23.  What is difference between Java script and JAVA?
24.  Write a JavaScript that uses function to calculate how many days are left in your birthday?
25.  Write a JavaScript, that uses a loop, that searches a word in sentence held in an array, returning the index of the word.
26.  Write an HTML file with Javascript that finds position of first occurrence of vowel “a”, last occurrence of vowel “a” in a given word and returns the string between them. For example, ajanta- then script would return first occurrence of “a”-that is position 1 and last occurrence-6 and string between them is “jant”.
27.  What is the role of cache and cookies in the browser?
28.  How an inline frame be embedded on a page with graphics and text?
29.  Write a form to collect details of a user such as name, address, radio button to choose subject of book he wants to buy, Dropdown to choose favorite author, comments for the last book he read. What is the use of <fieldset>?
30.  Write a JavaScript that handles following mouse events. Add necessary elements. (i) If the mouse is over the heading heading should turn yellow and if the mouse goes out of the heading it should turn black.(ii) If findtime button is clicked show time and date information.(iii) If button named “red” is clicked, background should change to red and If button named “green” is clicked, background should change to green.
31.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of client side scripting? How user defined objects can be created in JavaScript? Describe the way in which property values can be added to the object.
32.  Write a JavaScript that handles following mouse events. Add necessary elements.(i) JavaScript gives the key code for the key pressed.(ii) If the key pressed is “a”,”e”,”i”,”o”,”u”, the script should announce thatvowel is pressed.(iii) When the key is released background should change to blue
33.  Explain the document structure of XHTML document.Write a JAVAScript to print characters of a string at odd positions.(for example for the string India, I, d and a should get printed).
34.  Write a JAVAScript to take 2 digit number and then separate these 2 digits, then multiply first digit by itself for second digit times.( for example, 23 should be separated as 2 and 3. 2 should multiply with itself 3
35.  Explain document object in JavaScript How user defined objects are created in JAVAScript? How a constructor can be used to populate data in the object? How Divide and Pound symbol can be put on HTML document?