Government Engineering College, Patan
Subject Code: - 2110003
Subject Name: - Computer Programming and Utilization
Sem: - II
Practical List-2018
1. W. A. P. to print name and address.
2. W. A. P. to complete the computation: a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Division.
3. W. A. P. to find average of three numbers.
4. W. A. P. to find maximum number from 3 no.s using conditional operator.
5. W. A. P. to swap two numbers: - a) Using temporary variable.
b) Without using temporary variable.
6. W. A. P. to print maximum of given three no.s using nested if statement.
7. W. A. P. which displays menu to select arithmetic operation and perform according to selected
option using switch and break statement.
a) Select option as an integer value.
b) Select option as a character value.
8. W. A. P. to find maximum of N numbers.
9. W. A. P. to print following pattern using nested for loop.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
10. W. A. P. to which displays addition of digits in a given number using while loop.
11. W. A. P. to find that given number is Armstrong or not using while loop.
12. W. A. P. to check whether given number is palindrome or not.
13. W. A. P. to find maximum and minimum number from given N no.s using array.
14. W. A. P. to find matrix multiplication.
15. W. A. P. to find length of string using user-defined function.
16. W. A. P. to find how many vowels in a given string.
17. W. A. P. with function name mul ( ) that takes two values and returns value.
18. W. A. P. to find factorial of a given number using recursion.
19. W. A. P. to store information about books and display those books which cost less then Rs.200.
20. W. A. P. to calculate average marks of 3 students for 3 different subject using structure (Concept
of array of structure).
21. A file named DATA contains a series of integer numbers. W. A. P. to read this numbers and
then write all odd numbers to a file to be called ODD and all even numbers to a file to be called
22. W. A. P. that uses the functions ftell and fseek.
23. W. A. P. that will receive a filename and a line of text as command line arguments and write the
text to the file.
Subject Code: - 2110003
Subject Name: - Computer Programming and Utilization
Sem: - II
Practical List-2018
1. W. A. P. to print name and address.
2. W. A. P. to complete the computation: a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Division.
3. W. A. P. to find average of three numbers.
4. W. A. P. to find maximum number from 3 no.s using conditional operator.
5. W. A. P. to swap two numbers: - a) Using temporary variable.
b) Without using temporary variable.
6. W. A. P. to print maximum of given three no.s using nested if statement.
7. W. A. P. which displays menu to select arithmetic operation and perform according to selected
option using switch and break statement.
a) Select option as an integer value.
b) Select option as a character value.
8. W. A. P. to find maximum of N numbers.
9. W. A. P. to print following pattern using nested for loop.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
10. W. A. P. to which displays addition of digits in a given number using while loop.
11. W. A. P. to find that given number is Armstrong or not using while loop.
12. W. A. P. to check whether given number is palindrome or not.
13. W. A. P. to find maximum and minimum number from given N no.s using array.
14. W. A. P. to find matrix multiplication.
15. W. A. P. to find length of string using user-defined function.
16. W. A. P. to find how many vowels in a given string.
17. W. A. P. with function name mul ( ) that takes two values and returns value.
18. W. A. P. to find factorial of a given number using recursion.
19. W. A. P. to store information about books and display those books which cost less then Rs.200.
20. W. A. P. to calculate average marks of 3 students for 3 different subject using structure (Concept
of array of structure).
21. A file named DATA contains a series of integer numbers. W. A. P. to read this numbers and
then write all odd numbers to a file to be called ODD and all even numbers to a file to be called
22. W. A. P. that uses the functions ftell and fseek.
23. W. A. P. that will receive a filename and a line of text as command line arguments and write the
text to the file.
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