Sunday 18 September 2016


Dear Students, 

1)  Refer to conduct of Campus Interview for University Entry Scheme-2017.

2) The Campus Interview at collage (SAFFRONY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Mehsana) has been scheduled on 22 & 23 Sep 16. The process will start at 09:15 hrs with small power presentation about Indian Navy, should there be need. Seminar Hall with PC & Projector will be required for the same. 

Campus Interview will start at 10:00 hrs for candidates those who have already registered. Group Discussions & Personnel Interviews will be undertaken.

3) It is recommended that print out of Assessment Form be taken in advance to avoid delay in commencement of selection procedure.

4) During the time of Campus Interview we request College to provide the following to our team.

(a)      Laptop/PC with internet connection
(b)        Audio / Video presentation.
(c)      Students of only 4th year to sit through the presentation.         
(d)      The print out/zerox copies of Assessment Form.

5) Following are attached to this mail for your information and necessary action:-
(a)      List of Candidates appearing in CI       
(b)        Assessment Form - Mandatory for each candidate
(c)      UES 17 – Advertisement
(d)      Detention Certificate
(e)      Office address for mail/courier correspondence

6) We request you to allow Candidates (Already Registered) from other colleges to attend CI at your campus. Further, though we have attached on-the spot registration forms and its modalities to this mail, no on-the spot registration will be undertaken except in exceptional circumstances. 

With best regards,

Indian Navy

Note: Contact Prof.M.D.Bhatol for more details and to collect necessary forms as mentioned above.

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