Thursday, 11 February 2016

4th sem OOPC Practical List - 2016


Ø Write the following programs in C language.

1.      Write a program to find area of a circle.
2.      Write a program for sum of two numbers.
3.      Write a program to swap two numbers using third variable.
4.      Write a program to swap two numbers without using third variables.

Ø Write the following programs in CPP (C++) language.

1.      To find highest of three numbers using if loop.
2.      Write a program to convert degree Fahrenheit to Celsius.
3.      Write a program to display prime property of a given number.
4.      Write a program to enter two nxn matrices and display their sum as third matrix.

Ø Write the following programs using FUNCTION in CPP language.

1.      Write a program to find sum of three numbers using functions.
2.    Write a function big to find largest of two numbers and use this function in the main program to find largest of three numbers.
3.      To find factorial of given number using function.
4.      Write a recursive function to determine the sum of the integers 1, 2, 3..………+n that is recursively compute.

Ø Write the following programs using CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR in CPP language.

1.      To enter two operands using constructor and perform arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /) on them and display the results.
2.      Write a program to generate a Fibonacci series using copy constructor. The range of the series should be user defined.
3.      To find biggest three numbers using friend function.
4.      Write a program to find the sum of two numbers and display it using a friend function to a class.

Ø Write the following programs using OPERATOR OVERLOADING in CPP language.

1.      Write a program to enter two integers, two float number, two double numbers and find and display the greater of them using function overloading technique.
2.      Write a program that uses area () function for calculation area of triangle or a rectangle or a square using function overloading technique (without the use of classes).
3.      Write a program to demonstrate the operation of operator overloading function.

Ø Write the following programs using INHERITANCE in CPP language.

1.      To enter and display the student data using single inheritance technique.
2.      Write a program to enter the information of an employee and then display it using the single inheritance concept (one base class and one derived class).
3.      Write a program to enter the information of n number of student and then display it using the multilevel inheritance concept.

Ø  Write the following programs using POLYMORPHISM & VIRTUAL FUNCTION in CPP language.

1.      Write a program to enter information of a student and display it by using the static binding technique.
2.      Write a program to enter personal and academic information and demonstrate the operation of virtual function using late binding technique.
3.      Write a program to enter information of students and demonstrate the concept of polymorphism applied to the member functions.

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