Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Government Engineering College Patan
Computer Science and Engineering
Mid-Sem Exam syllabus Semester VII June-Oct 2015

Subject Name:  Compiler Design
Subject Code:    170701
Faculty Name:   Prof. Manisha M. Chaudhari

1.Overview of the Translation Process
 A Simple Compiler, Difference between interpreter, assembler and compiler. Overview and use of linker and loader ,types of Compiler, Analysis of the Source Program, The Phases of a Compiler,Cousins of the Compiler, The Grouping of Phases, Lexical Analysis, Hard Coding and Automatic Generation Lexical Analyzers, Front-end and Back-end of compiler, pass structure

2. Lexical Analyzer
Introduction to Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering, Specification of Tokens,
Recognition of Tokens, A Language for Specifying Lexical Analyzers, Finite
Automata From a Regular Expression, Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator,
Optimization of DFA

3. Parsing Theory
Top Down and Bottom up Parsing Algorithms, Top-Down Parsing, Bottom-Up
Parsing, Operator-Precedence Parsing, LR Parsers, Using Ambiguous

Grammars, Parser Generators, Automatic Generation of Parsers. Syntax-Directed Definitions. Construction of Syntax Trees, Bottom-Up Evaluation of S-Attributed Definitions, L-Attributed Definitions, syntax directed definitions and translation  scheme

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