Tuesday, 19 September 2017

MPI Assignment for Vth sem Student 2017


1.       Draw and Explain architecture of 8085 microprocessor in detail.
2.       Explain 8085 bus organization in detail.
3.       Explain Flag Register of 8085.
4.       Give the use of following pins .
5.       a. ALE                     b. HOLD                 c. HLDA                  d. READY               e. TRAP                  f. SID
6.       Explain the following instructions of 8085. Also mention about the addressing mode and flags the instruction affects.
a.       LHLD 1000H (2) RAL (3) DAD D (4) PUSH PSW (5)PCHL
7.       What is meant by Bus? Why is the address bus unidirectional and the data bus bidirectional ?
8.       What do you understand by the term Addressing mode? Explain the Addressing modes supported by 8085 by giving suitable examples.
9.       Explain Memory Mapped I/O and Peripheral I/O and make the comparison between them.
10.    Explain the function of RIM and SIM instructions.
11.    Write a detailed note on Memory Classification.
12.    List the four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate the data.
13.    Explain microprocessor operation?
14.    Explain Memory Mapped I/O and Peripheral I/O and make the comparison between them.
15.   Draw the timing diagram of following instructions of an 8085 microprocessor.                                                  a. MVI A, 32H           b.IN 00h     c. STA 2050H      d. DAD
16.    Define the concept of subroutine. Explain the CALL and RET instructions of the 8085 microprocessor with example.
17.    What is stack and stack pointer? Explain working of PUSH and POP instruction with suitable example.
18.    How many address lines are necessary on the chip of 2K byte memory?
19.    If the memory chip size is 1024 X 4 bits, how many chips are required to make up 2K bytes of memory?
20.    The memory map of a 4K byte memory chip begins at the location 2000 H. Specify the address of the last location on the chip and the number of pages on the chip.
21.    The memory address of the last location of an 8K byte memory chip is FFFF H. Find the starting address.
22.   What is instruction cycle? Explain using waveforms the fetch & execute cycle with reference of clock .
23.    Explain with a sketch how demultiplexing of AD bus takes place
24.    What is conditional &unconditional branching ? Illustrate the answer with an example.
25.    Using diagram illustrate logic pin out of the 8085 Microprocessor
26.    What are interrupts? List and explain the interrupt available in microprocessor 8085?
27.    Explain how address/data lines AD0-AD7 are de-multiplexed. Draw logic diagram to generate control signals MEMW, MEMR, IOW and IOR from IO/M,WR and RD.
28.    What is direct memory access? Explain interfacing of 8237 DMA controller with 8085 microprocessor. What is importance of DMA?

 Note:Student who get 12 or less than 12 marks in mid sem exam then submit assignment on or before 28/09/2017.